
Send Your Message to the Model 14-KTR
Keyboard Typing Reperforator Manufactured: 1941



Teletype Model 14 (1925) – On December 23, 1924, Howard Krum and Sterling Morton filed an application on the 14-Type type-bar tape printer which matured into Patent No. 1,745,633 The Model 14 was a family of devices, printing, reading or punching narrow tapes; Baudot code.

A teletypewriter, also referred to as a teletype machine, is a now largely obsolete electro-mechanical typewriter that was used to communicate typed messages from point to point through a simple electrical communications channel.

Many teletype machines were linked to, or had built-in, paper tape punching and reading machines, thus allowing messages to be created and edited off-line as well as stored and retransmitted on other circuits. Complex military and commercial communications networks were constructured which had centers with rows of teletypwriters and large racks for paper tapes awaiting transmission. Skilled operators could determine the priorities of messages directly from the patterns of holes in the tapes and could thus load a priority tape into another machine for retransmission while it was still coming out of the punching unit.

The first general-purpose teletype machine was the Model 12, which was introduced in 1922, and it was followed three years later with the Model 14. .Military Teletypewriter Systems of the World War II

The word Teletype was a trademark of the Teletype Corporation. The Skokie, Illinois-based company was founded in 1906 and became part of AT&T (the former U.S. telecommunications monopoly) in 1930. Operations ceased around 1990.